Project Management

We are living in a challenging business world, where organizations have to overcome tremendous hurdles to succeed and execute its long-term strategic goals, our project management services help organizations design their strategic intent in a manner where they are executed in strategically aligned projects.

That’s why Project Management is one of the fastest-growing profession in the world, where organization utilizes these practices to take one step at a time to grow and succeed, irrespective of the industry and project types organizations need good project management practices to save resources and deliver the intended results.

In light of today’s complex project management environment, organizations require good project leaders to develop and manage a diverse group of project team members and guide them toward project objectives.

Our project management services focus on enabling organizations and individuals to manage their projects efficiently and effectively, where we help them with required policies and practices, needs identifications, and individual and institutional mentoring/ coaching.

In project management services, we assist our partners in:

Poor Project requirements collection is one of the top three reasons for project failures, this poor practice results in poor planning and project design, which ultimately contributes significantly to the project failures and not delivering the intended solution.

We advise our clients on better processes for requirements collection, documentation, and approval, meanwhile, work with their personnel on requirements gathering skills and consult on how to design and plan a project based on the requirements and get the customer buy-in.

Good requirements collection practices help with identifying critical issues, design relevant interventions, increases stakeholder buy-in and customer ownership, improves morale, and help with end product/result transition.

Researches have also indicated projects design for addressing the right issues, can considerably increase the organizations standing and enhance reputation, as well as projects, have a longer life and sustainability for a longer period of time.

Where required, we work with organizations throughout the project lifecycle, including project implementations and documenting lessons learned.

Organizations execute a variety of projects, these projects require extensive procedural and policy guidance, which is a time-consuming task for every project, the standard operating procedure (SOP) manuals can immensely assist with this issue.

We have developed SOPs for our clients including public and private for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, these SOPs were developed in light of internationally recognized industry’s best y practices and standards and customized to Afghanistan’s legal and business environment.

Projects are impacted by the organizational culture, bureaucracies, procedures, policies, and other influences, these SOPs help projects address many of these issues and help with saving already limited time and resources for the projects and programs.

Organizational maturity for complex projects is a huge challenge in today’s business environment, every project has unique characteristics but mature organizations have foundations that can assist and provide ground rules for all kinds of projects undertaken by the organizations.

In organizational project maturity assessments, we undertake a comprehensive assessment of the organization where we look at the processes, people, technology, available skill sets and other areas which can impact the execution of the project negatively, identify them and provide recommendations in light of best practices, industry standards, and case studies.

In today’s complex project management world, project failures rate in the organizational context is very high and for long term profitability and strategic lead organizations cannot survive in such a high failure rate, our Organizations Project Maturity Assessments helps them identify gaps, develop new processes and systems which help them execute their projects successfully.

We operate in an uncertain business environment, project uncertainty and risk are some of the most critical aspects of project management; comprehensive risk identification and well-managed response implementation can save a considerable amount of resources and time for the project implementation organization.

We assist our clients in their project risk management and provide independent risk assessment which results in better execution as well as saving a significant amount of resources, we also assist them in the development of organizational and project risk management framework.

Project risks are not necessarily only threats, during the project design or execution certain aspects are overlooked or misplaced, our risk management services help organizations scientifically identify risks, professionally develop responses and continuously monitor projects for any issues or risks which can threaten project success.

Quality is all-encompassing practice, it starts from project conception till the handover of the final project result to the client, meanwhile the performing organization should also believe and adhere to the quality practices so it can result in quality work and positively impact all its operations.

In Project Quality Management and Compliance, we assist our clients to develop quality practices for their organizations in the first place which is usually a 360-degree practice and encompass all organizational operations, meanwhile we also assist them with understanding industry quality standards and advise how to ensure compliance.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the office or submit a business inquiry online.